Friday, December 9, 2011

Day One: Presentation on Gender Roles

This link is the PowerPoint that the class followed along with as we presented (All information discussed here can be find on PowerPoint):

PowerPoint used for the Presentation on Gender

The First day began with a quote and a game deemed the "Mystery Game".

The rules of the Mystery Game were that the students had to draw what they thought the student looked like, namely in terms of gender.

We presented the different terms that go along with gender, discussing what goes into shaping gender identity.

Using the definitions, we asked students, in groups, to use magazines to form collages.
These collages were to show three things: People showing traditional gender roles, people that are androgynous, and people that were showing non-traditional gender roles.The pictures of these collages:

This video was shown to the class to present the information on how media shapes gender roles. (The Link to it is also available in the PowerPoint).

The presentation then shifted towards addressing gender bias in the educational setting, with discussion on both bias against girls, and against boys.

After presenting this information, we gave the students 5 scenarios that cover gender roles. The class was instructed to discuss them and talk about what they would do in the situations.

Day One ended with presenting the material on breaking down the bias, giving some examples. Then a story book titled "19 Girls and Me" (Can be found under References) was read to conclude. This story is useful for younger children to present how they can stop viewing people in terms of gender stereotypes.

Some Questions about this presentation:

  • What could be expanded on about gender roles in the classroom?
  • What was not included that you feel should have been regarding gender roles?
  • What is some additional advice you would give to us as future teachers in dealing with gender roles and bias in the classroom?

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